Is there a better way to fight the war against drugs internationally?

The global war on drugs is a massive campaign by the international community to end drug production, trafficking, and use. But is there a better way to fight the war against drugs internationally?

The global war on drugs has been a massive failure. In the last few decades, drug use and trafficking have only increased. The root causes of drug use – poverty, inequality, and social exclusion – have not been addressed. And the criminalization of drug users has only caused more harm.

There are a number of alternatives to the global war on drugs that could be more effective. One alternative is to decriminalize drug use and possession. This would reduce the number of people who are incarcerated for drug offenses, and it would allow for better health interventions for drug users.

Another alternative is to experiment with different models of legal regulation. This could include legalizing certain drugs, such as cannabis, or allowing for more liberal regulation of other drugs. Such models could help to reduce the power of criminal organizations, and they could provide more opportunities for public health interventions.

It is clear that the global war on drugs has been a failure. It is time for the international community to explore different alternatives that could be more effective.

The war against drugs is a global issue that requires a global solution. 

The current approach, which focuses on law enforcement and punishment, is not working. It is time to try a new approach that focuses on public health and harm reduction.

The current approach to drug policy is based on the idea that drug use is a crime and that people who use drugs should be punished. This approach has been tried for decades, and it has failed. The war on drugs has not eliminated drug use, and it has not reduced crime. It has also led to the unnecessary imprisonment of thousands of people.

A new approach is needed. We need to focus on public health and harm reduction. This approach involves treating drug use as a public health issue, not a criminal issue. We need to provide addicts with treatment and support, and we need to focus on prevention.

Harm reduction is also important. This involves measures that can reduce the negative consequences of drug use. For example, we can provide addicts with clean needles and syringes to reduce the risk of infection. We can also provide safe places for them to use drugs.

The new approach has been proven to be successful. Portugal has been using this approach for many years, and it has been successful. Drug use has been reduced, and crime has been reduced. Portugal has also seen a decrease in the number of people who are infected with HIV.

The United States should also try this approach. We need to focus on public health and harm reduction, and we need to provide addicts with treatment and support. We also need to focus on prevention. The war on drugs has failed, and it is time to try a new approach.

The drug problem continues to worsen inexorably from year to year. International drug cartels are becoming more aggressive and more expansionist in attacking new markets with new drugs with ever changing distribution patterns and with increasing skill in concealment and in handling the money from their sales. Even more worrying, they are using their increasing resources to interfere in the democratic and economic processes of countries by political influence and by taking over key sectors of business and financial services.

The annual street sales value of illicit drugs is now estimated to have reached over 500,000 million US dollars a year. This is a sum larger than the national budgets of many countries.

Increasingly we see drug cartels collaborating with terrorist groups, using drugs to purchase their weapons. The political, social and economic stability of nation states is, therefore, being affected by the drugs trade. The main victim of drugs is and will continue to be those young people who are ensnared into taking drugs and becoming addicted to them. However, whilst crime at street level may continue to be more immediately apparent as a threat to our daily safety, it is the steady enlargement of the power of big time criminal organisations which feed growth on drug trafficking that is the main threat of our time.

The international drug trade is highly organised. Traffickers are able to employ the finest brains, whether these be legal, financial, logistical or those of chemists. They employ the most modern equipment and technology to produce, transport and distribute their drugs and to assist in laundering the money from them. The biggest drug traffickers are now able to run and finance their entire operation without coming into contact with the drugs themselves and in many cases living, thanks to satellite communication, on yachts or in lands where the law effectively cannot touch them. They remain unharmed because they can rarely be linked to specific drugs smuggling operations or where they are, no proof can be established as to their guilt. Due to their limitless wealth the drug barons can buy protection from criminal prosecution or, in the event that such protection is not forthcoming, use violence to eliminate incriminating witnesses.

The flood of heroin from Asia, cocaine from South America, cannabis from North Africa and synthetic drugs from European bases is unstoppable. Bigger and more frequent seizures by customs may indicate greater success in tracing drug shipments. More often than not these seizures are an indication of an increased flow of drugs. The real success or otherwise of a country’s drug seizures can only be truly measured when the elements of street price and purity are added to the equation. If prices are low and purity high, greater seizures will only confirm a greater availability of drugs.

On the side of law and order we observe that police forces and customs are co-operating in the war against drugs far more effectively than was the case ten or even five years ago. But they are still inadequately equipped and lack sufficient manpower. At a time when we are congratulating ourselves on being able to dispense with customs officers as our borders come down, we are throwing away a trained resource which will increasingly be seen to be necessary in the pursuit of big time drug criminals. Unless too we can match the traffickers, in provision of the best available technical, electronic and chemical analysis equipment, we will be fighting with one arm tied behind our backs.

All member and applicant countries of the European Union must be fully committed to international co-operation against drugs trafficking and the growing menace of international crime. A steady move must take place to multilateral cooperation throughout the European Union in matters such as extradition, penalties, powers of pursuit, sharing of information etc. Timetables must be set, but in the meantime, bilateral agreements with every country on these important matters should be put in place. This will require a high degree of political will which is not yet sufficiently evident. We must surely expect that our action must be anticipatory and not always reactive to the exigencies imposed by criminal organisations.


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to fight the war against drugs internationally. However, it is clear that a variety of approaches are needed, including both prevention and enforcement measures.

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